Our unique features allows you to manage business efficiently.
Software is fully responsive, that can be used on any device without extra efforts.
Fast performance allows you to handle business Efficiently.
Reports and UI design of software, saves your time.
Efficiense offers a complete billing solution for your business. From managing invoices to printing. Efficiense billing supports all the features required to manage your billing online.
Graphical representation allows you to know the current status of your inventory and keep track of it.
Track payments and its details of amount, payment mode, status from dashboard without going through the details.
Our CRM allows subscribers and operators to update complaints to the team so that it can be verified and solved for betterment of business growth.
Easily upload file for inventory addition in SMS. Check processing status log of uploaded file.
List of reports as per TRAI guidelines and many more for understanding of business behaviour.
Unique STB, Smartcard, Customer ID, Registered Mobile No. can be used for searching through various records from the system.
If you have liked unique features we provide, and want to explore other features too, please request a free demo for the same.
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